Roman Wars

by Killermankiller
Roman Wars
Play back in the time of the Ancient Rome Era! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Beta 1.1
Date added: Dec 5 2011
Last updated: Dec 18 2011
Last played: Mar 26 2012
1 fan

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Imagine stepping back in time to a place where gladiators ruled the lands.
Become one of many races, rule your lands. Work together, and build a mighty empire!

Host Files: {-Later Date-}

****Change Log***
Beta 1.0:
-Three classes added, stand in spawn for Gladiators.
-Added Gladiator Fights.
-Added Save Files.
-Added Kick/Punch/SpeedPunch
-Added one shield
-Added one weapon
-Added basic communication
Beta 1.1
-Added new Class, Mage, a certain percent chance to get to pick it when you create!
-Redid save system
-Added admin verbs
-Fixed doors