Sword Art Online

by Kboy33
Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online! Play to the death! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Aincrad [Balpha]
Date added: Jan 30 2013
Last updated: Oct 9 2015
Last played: Jul 29 2014
584 fans

Waiting List

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Project is on hold
 photo GameStaff-1.png

Haruka(Kboy33) - Owner/Programmer/Iconner/Mapper/GFX

Twaon (Twaon) - Programmer

None of this art can be used.

 photo Features.png

Welcome to Sword Art Online. Choose from loads of different classes and play amongst your friends to try to clear all
100 floors. Bored of Grinding? No need to worry. SAO includes many different features such as domestic living, farming,
cooking, alchemy, forging (blacksmiths), guilds, camping and more. Warning!! If you are above Level 10, the real
adventure begins.
However, if you die, you will lose your save file. Be aware and have fun!

There are no GM's. This game is RP and RUN by the Community.

 photo GameStaff-1.png

I do not own SAO nor are using this for commerical use. Bullying and racism prohibited. Thanks and Enjoy.

Special thanks to:
Falacy (Err, Yeah)
And all you guys for supporting me. :)

Recent Medals

You got Nerve.

Earned by RiceINF
Aug 4 2017, 2:19 pm

You got Nerve.

Earned by Sphinxe1
Dec 19 2014, 9:24 am


ChakraX: (Apr 15 2018, 3:56 pm)
http://www.byond.com/games/ChakraX/ShinobiRising check us out we moved the hub and are testing soon!
Twaon: (Sep 6 2015, 1:17 am)
So it's close to that point now. First, I would like for a few people to volunteer to be alpha testers. I need 10 people who can put in at least 2 hours a day or more and help find bugs and just test everything out so things can be changed/fixed accordingly. So just PM me over BYOND pager for that, I will post those chosen in the discussion forums general area. I also need an experienced mapper/iconner to make even further progression with the game.
Twaon: (Jul 29 2015, 8:33 pm)
I went ahead and posted on update of things in the discussion section. Feel free to check it out and ask questions there.
Kboy33: (Jul 27 2015, 6:31 am)
Or are we?
Twaon: (Jul 27 2015, 12:10 am)
Also, I've gotten this question a lot:

"Are you Kboy33?"

No, me and Kboy33 are two different people. xD