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Naruto Assasins Honor (NAH) |
lol Nah funny abrevasion fun game frequent updates [More] |
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Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Naruto4 Owners:ITACHI109 & GREAT MW Admins:NONE Enforcers:NONE ALOT of udates coming! :: Rules :: 1. No Repeatedly asking for Higher Rank or GM. 2. No Disrespecting GMs. 3. No Multiclanning (Anyone caught will be IP-BANNED 4. Multikeying Allowed. (Two Keys online at once in same house) 5. No Spamming. (Boot then IP Ban) 6. No noob killing. (Academy Students) 7. Don't ask for a GM summon. 8. No Calling for a GM More than Once Or a Boot/ Then Ban. If we do not acknowledge you we are busy or we are not ready to come to you or summon you or we are simply not even there. 9. Don't ask for A Higher Rank. 10. Do Not Mass Recreate, you will Get booted then Banned. 11. Do Not Mass Relog, you will Get booted then Banned. 12. Do not ask to be put in an Organization by a Gm. 13. Do not ask to become a Sannin, Sage Or an ANBU by a Gm. That is the Kage's Honor and the Kage's Decision. 14. 5 Complaints on the Same Gm will result in the person getting fired. 15. No Cussing or its a boot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::GM rules:: 1) First and foremost, do NOT abuse your Powers. They WILL be taken away from you if you do so. No exceptions. 2) Do not use your GM to threaten the players or other staff members. Usually, most problems can be solved without the usage of your verbs. If all else fails, then use them. 3) Do not give certain players special treatment. This means that players stay out of areas they don't belong in and that you don't give "friends" items they shouldn't have (or that were "created"). 4) Do your job. Answer questions, help players, etc. Don't just sit there doing nothing. 5) NO GM's GET ANY SPECIAL TREAMENT. NO MATTTER WHAT YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THESE RULES. YOU AS HIGHER AUTHORITY WILL HAVE NO WARNING. JUST FIRED. NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR THE GAME. Attention: for kage once in a while well hold a tourny for kage so all u gotta do is win. Ranking: if u rank the game 50mil stam, chakra, tai, nin, gen. and u can choose curse seal or shukaku if u aint garra HANDSIGNS GRASS Katon Housenka: 2 Tiger Katon No Jutsu: 3 Dragon, 1 Snake Kaonheki: 1 Boar, 3 Ox Karyuudan:1 Drgon, 3 Ox Katon Goukakyuu:1 Tiger, 1 Dog LEAF Katon Housenka: 2 Tiger Katon No Jutsu: 3 Dragon, 1 Snake Katon Goukakyuu:1 Tiger, 1 Dog Katon Karyuu Endan:3 Dragon, 1 Tiger Katon Ryuuka No Jutsu:2 Dragon Mist Suiton Suiryuudan No Jutsu:3 Monkey, 1 Dragon Suirou No Jutsu:3 Monkey, 1 Tiger Suiton Suikoudan No Jutsu:3 Monkey, 1 Rabbit Kirigakure:2 Monkey, 1 Bird Mist No Jutsu:3 Monkey, 1 Ox Snow Makyou Suiryuudan No Jutsu:3 Monkey, 1 Dragon Makyou Suikoudan NocJutsu:3 monkey, 1 tiger Makyou Armor:2 Monkey, 1 Ox Makyou Hyoushou:2 Monkey 1 Rabbit Futagoza No Jutsu:3 rabbit 1 rat Rain Suiton Daibakufu No Jutsu:1 tiger 3 snake Suiton Doryuudan:1 Boar 3 snake Rain No Jutsu:1 Ox 3 Snake Suiton Bunshin No Jutsu:1 bird 3 snake Jouro Senban:3 snake 1 Dog Waterfall Suishouha:1 Monkey 3 Rat Suiton Suishouha:1 Dragon 3 Rat Suiton Kyuu:1 Tiger 3 Rat Suiton Sousou:1 Dog 3 Rat Suiton No Jutsu:3 Rat 1 Ox Rock Doton Doryo Dango:3 Horse 1 Ram Doton Doryuuheki:3 Horse 1 Bird Doroudorno:1 Ox 3 Horse Doton Sousou:3 Horse 1 Tiger Doton Kyuu:3 Horse 1 Dragon Cloud Raikyuu No Jutsu:3 rat 1 Tiger Rai No Jutsu:3 Rat 1 Ox Rairyuu No Tatsumaki:3 Rat 1 Boar Ikazuchi No Kiba:3 Rat 1 Boar Cloud Summons:3 Rat 1 Bird Sound Zankuuha:3 bird 1 Tiger Sen`eijashu:3 Bird 1 Snake Zan No Jutsu:3 Bird 1 Ox zankyokukuuha:3 Bird 1 Ram Kyoumeisen:3 Bird 1 Rabbit Sand Fuuton: Kaze Dangan No Jutsu:3 Boar 1 Tiger Flight:3 Boar 1 Bird Ninpou Kamaitachi:3 Boar 1 Dragon Futon: Renkuudan No Jutsu:3 Boar 1 Dog Futon: Daitoppa No Jutsu:3 Boar 1 Snake Rasengan:1 Ram 3 Rabbit :: Kages :: Mizukage - Mist : Hokage - Leaf : someone Tsuchikage - Rock : Yukikage - Snow : Raikage - Cloud : GrassFeudalLord - Grass :Monkey_kid WaterHero - Waterfall : Kazekage - Sand : Otokage - Sound : Amekage - Rain : Hoshikage - Star:Daisuke Sound Org: SO Co-Leader: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Akat. Leader:White Fang*Raki Akat. Co-Leader: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: |
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