
by Kaiochao
Little blue circles shooting red circles! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Kaiochao.shootah##version=7

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 7
Date added: Mar 23 2011
Last updated: Mar 28 2011
Last played: Aug 6 2021
33 fans

Waiting List

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Kill all of the red circles! Be careful though; they shoot back!

Controls are given when you log in!

Hover your mouse over another player to see their name!

Ctrl+Q or Alt+F4 to quit (not that you ever should)!

Feel free to host and play with your fellow squad-mates! (After killing most ofthe baddies, you can kill each other, too!)

Credit to HDK's mouse coordinate library for the smooth mouse aiming!


Zagros5000: (Jul 25 2014, 11:16 am)
lol this was fun, would be cool if you turned it into a multiplayer zombie game:P
Denshichiro: (Dec 15 2011, 5:13 am)
Forum_account: (Apr 9 2011, 5:43 am)
Warlord Fred wrote:
El Wookie wrote:
I think you've got an infinite loop running out of control in there somwhere, because I'm experiencing these lag issues on a 3.34Ghz Tri-Core.

Also it seems to happen after the controls hang, I.e a certain direction continues to indefinitely be 'held down' even though I'm not doing so, lead to this lag and me being unable to move.

My keys are "sticking" as well, it's very annoying.

I think these issues are related to this BYOND bug, which should be fixed in the next BYOND update... whenever that is.
Warlord Fred: (Apr 8 2011, 6:52 pm)
El Wookie wrote:
I think you've got an infinite loop running out of control in there somwhere, because I'm experiencing these lag issues on a 3.34Ghz Tri-Core.

Also it seems to happen after the controls hang, I.e a certain direction continues to indefinitely be 'held down' even though I'm not doing so, lead to this lag and me being unable to move.

My keys are "sticking" as well, it's very annoying.
Bravo1: (Apr 8 2011, 7:35 am)
Well, there goes my drive to work on my game Darkness. I just don't feel like competing when you're going to get better advertisement anyways. Good luck with it though, it's a really nice game.

Edit: Holy crap I didn't even notice I was featured alongside you guys in BaW #10. Now I feel obligated not to let this fall to the wayside.

A Challenger Appears!

Also, how did you get HDK mouse detection to work properly, all it does is cause Darkness to crash instantly even though it compiles perfectly fine.