Tabletop Simulator

by Kaiochao
A simulation of a tabletop covered in interactive things. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Kaiochao.TabletopSimulator##version=3

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version Alpha
Date added: Nov 10 2015
Last updated: Dec 24 2015
Last played: May 21 2017
20 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

* Pen and paper
* Coins and dice
* Cards

Coming soon
* Other stuff

All drawn and programmed by me.

Credits to Yut Put for the idea, Rushnut with the BYOND Skype Group for reasons, and the BYOND engine for making it easy.

Source code!