
by Joshua50187
Kill all and rule with a Iron fist see who can control the shadows [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: May 20 2007
Last updated: May 24 2007
Last played: May 25 2007
0 fans

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This game is just started to be made yesterday(05/20/07) it's focus is to instill a sense of humanity into a really fast paced macro based game. You start off a child and work your way up into a fully equipped and stealthy killing machine. I promise this game will be Something to truly look forward to! With this game you could die with one bullet or your throat being slashed and you will have to recreate your character only cause Life is just a fleeting as you will be in this game it is a simulation of a really hard life so becareful with what you say or do or you might just be recreating more then really playing

In Serious need of a iconer and mapper as well as second coder just for optimization of code making things faster and not so much lag would be awesome to if you would be a host to apply like i said i started this game almost a week ago now and got alot done but not much