Konquest Legends

by Johan411
Engage yourself into a world of magic and fantasy, Embark on a new adventure in this free to play casual role playing game, slay monsters find epic gear, buy a house to store your treasures, complete quests and compete to be the best in the lands. Lets co [More]
Version 1.37
Date added: May 1 2021
Last updated: Jul 19 2021
91 fans

1 Game Live!

Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.

byond://BYOND.world.1478528256 [Main Official Server 1]
Hosted by Secxs

Logged in: 1 player [See list]



Engage yourself into a world of magic and fantasy, Embark on a new adventure in this free to play casual role playing game, slay monsters find epic gear, buy a house to store your treasures, complete quests and compete to be the best in the lands. Lets continue this journey together!

Konquest Legends is an early access game, please keep this in mind while playing, We look forward to any feedback and suggestions that you have!

Game Rules
* No harassment of any kind will be tolerated.
* Please show respect to other players and in game staff.
* No abusing bugs to cheat the game, report them as soon as possible.
* This game isn't strictly roleplay, Play the game you would like to but please be respectful of others who are engaging in role play

New Features:
Scripted Monster Encounters.
Buff and Debuff System.
Tamable creatures.
storage box that is accessible to any character on your byond key.
Rarity Equipment Drops.
Item Enchanting.
Revamped Combat and AI.
New Monsters
New map updates and graphics
Interactive Title screen
New quest system
New player and pet ui's which can be dragged on screen for customization
Rare Monster Spawns
On screen shop menus
And more things being added with each update.

Johan411 - Game Developer
Secxs - server administrator / beta tester / concept developer
Miller822 - server administrator / concept developer
Bleegoose - server administrator / beta tester
Swarmy - For his past contributions to the project
Gunbuddy13 - For his past contributions to the project

If you are interested in making a donation towards this project you can do so here

Check our page out on Itch