Mafia Chatterz

by JoeVesa
Mafia Chatterz
Byond Mafia, owns this. Come into to trade icons, and build houses, most of all to get a glipse of the mob! [More]

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Latest Version
Date added: Feb 16 2004
Last updated: Mar 18 2004
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Mafia Chatterz, is a place where people come to play, have fun, trade, give icons. Build houses, and chatt.

Also if you look carfully, the byond mafia plays in this game, after all they own it. They build there houses, and plot and disscuss, and whatever else they might do, in here.

I think it would be a good idea, if non-mafia members try and stay away from the mob, they are dangerous. Try not to talk back to them, or even cross in there path.

All in all this is a very new, but good icon trading game. If there is any questions you might have, talk to me (Don Vesa)key is JoeVesa, or AIM is Joeinc28, cya in the game!!!!