River Crossing Riddle

by Jittai
River Crossing Riddle
GIAD 2013 (JP) Entry [More]
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Version 1
Date added: Jul 26 2013
Last updated: Jul 27 2013
1 fan

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GIAD 2013 entry. All programming and art assets done roughly in 3 and a half hours (from midnight to 3:30).

The themes chosen were "personalization" and "collectivism".


Jittai: (Jul 27 2013, 6:11 pm)
I hated the alerts too, I don't know why I didn't before but I added map-text instead.
SuperSaiyanGokuX: (Jul 27 2013, 5:34 pm)
Excellent concept. Completely different than the usual BYOND game. Like EmpirezTeam said, I'd love to see some more "levels" with some other old riddles/puzzles like this.

However, the alerts drove me crazy. It was a huge pain to have to click them off after every step, especially when I could tell visually what I had just done (no need to tell me that I rowed back alone. I already know...)

EmpirezTeam: (Jul 27 2013, 4:25 pm)
Nice. A bit too easy to figure out once you understand the object of it but still neat. I think a game like this would be fun, it just needs harder situations that require more thinking and more things to interact with.
Jittai: (Jul 27 2013, 2:51 pm)
Ter13: (Jul 27 2013, 2:49 pm)
This was amusing. Thank you for something just a bit different.