MAYHEM - Scores

Name Overall Kills Deaths Longest Killingspree FFA Wins
#346 Ricoloco 3
#345 RHY3756547 10 7
#344 Rena Ryuugu from the anime 5 14
#343 Red1230 3 1
#342 Red Tornado 1
#341 Red Lightning 2 5
#340 RDmayhem 2 13
#339 Raruno 3 3
#337 Random Guy21 1 7
#336 Raikou12 32 43
#335 Rahie 27 22
#334 Qisame 1 2
#333 PowerDag 28 58
#332 Ponobo 1
#331 PolishSpyPNF 2
#330 Polecy 1
#329 Polak123 2
#328 Pokie 12 4
#327 Po0pie 110 105
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