Main Owner: Jerrodmat
coder: Draksoul4,Jerrodmat
iconner: Jerrodmat
Host: Open
Re Mapper:
Mapper: Jamesray203,Jerrodmat
GFXer: Jamesray203,Jerrodmat
Forumer: Jamesray203
Backup Iconner: Kato Cain
#1 No Spamming
#2 No mutliekeying
#3 Keep Fighting to a minumum
#4 No asking for edit
#5 No multieclanning
First time mute/boot
Second mute 20mins
Third bann 1day
Fourth perm bann
We would really not wana bann you so please dont cause problems ty :D.
Thank Jerrodmat, Kato Cain,draksoul4, and Jamesray203, and aron the spairtan all for a lot of help.
or making the game.
Jerrodmat here I am the main owner of this game The Name is mine and the icons mine and most of the codeing is mine or at least will be when i update and get a better coder if your a coder and would like to apply we have none So just Go to Our fourms and apply there thanx