pig game

by Jeff8500
pig game
a random pig game where you can pretty much kill stuff and use bombs. im working on fishing and already made fires for cooking them. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2
Date added: Mar 3 2007
Last updated: Aug 7 2009
Last played: Sep 20 2008
1 fan

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better, still kinda pathetic but now theres some simple ai so that bears will attack. I also made houses,easier ways to get flint,and bombs(fun).


Jeff8500: (Jul 4 2011, 6:37 pm)
Cola_12 wrote:
cool whens it coming out

Lolz, never, his was something I started over 4 years ago to learn more about programming through experience. I guess I could upload the host files if you want them, but the game was never too good.
Cola_12: (Jul 4 2011, 1:54 am)
cool whens it coming out