Rise of Heroes Ultimate

by Jayjay104
Rise of Heroes Ultimate, private server from orginal roh. Battle hordes of monsters through caves, forests, and dungeons while exploring a vast world full of treasures! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Jayjay104.RiseofHeroesUltimate##version=0

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Latest Version
Date added: Aug 11 2011
Last updated: Aug 14 2011
Last played: Jan 13
227 fans

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This is a private server from the original Rise of Heroes called Rise of Heroes Ultimate!

Host it, play it, perfect it, enjoy it whatever you want to do with it im done with it so far. Its not fully done yet but thats why i put it up for you guys.
This server is originally created to perfect roh and i dont expect you guys to love it but if you dont like it please dont spam the servers full or something like that.

This server is created by Chaokai and all credits go to him!

To download source go to this website http://www.mediafire.com/?0j13057344e3h60.


Chaokai: (Nov 30 2017, 4:45 am)
Hi everyone who is reading this post ^^

My name is Chaokai, i've worked on Rise of Heroes Ultimate in the past. It was an amature trying to make a fun server to play on but i've come back!

Me and a team of dedicated byond veterans who know how to programm professionally are making a new RoH game all from scratch with optimised performances and lots of awesome new features (more about that later). Though we are making a new RoH with more in it we try to stay true to the original source content material. The first towns are the same towns but with better grahpics, the same area's to level up with some extra field bosses (elites) etc.

Some of the extra features we are adding are:
- Fully functional bank for gold and item depositing (1 tab for shared bank over multiple characters)
- A dynamic party system
- Pets
- Dynamic combay system
- Dungeons (for solo or a party with different difficulties)
- Storyline progression with instanced boss fights
- and much more

Once we have a fully functional beta, we will host it for people to test it out and become involved in the further development.

If people want to follow us on our progress, please contact me and i may create a game hub where i can post updates.
*edit* http://www.byond.com/games/Chaokai/RiseofHeroesUnlimited

Chaokai & Team

Ps. For all the comments about RoHU, i'm sorry if you've had some bad experiences playing the server. As i told earlier i was an amateur just trying to make a fun private server of RoH. The new RoH we are working on will be made from scratch and have a dedicated GM staff etc. to prevent any future problems you may be experiencing in game.
Juggalo222: (Jun 21 2017, 4:09 pm)
Well i might host a new server but it probably won't have any updates because i don't feel like coding it lol so feel free to join once i get it up
Littletike8083: (Jan 8 2015, 7:53 pm)
can someone else host or put up a downloadable version? I downloaded the file from mediafire but couldn't get it to work.
OnionNet: (Apr 30 2014, 10:05 am)
LoL my brother made this
Total_K.O: (Nov 11 2013, 10:35 am)
I am hosting the game all who want to play come play it!!!!