Eye Kawn Game

by Ikashi
Eye Kawn Game
Eye Kawn Game, the new icon game of the BYOND age. Come here to chat, trade icons, and start a second reality. In the land of EKG anything goes...can you take this oppertunity? [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Mar 21 2006
Last updated: Mar 22 2006
Last played: Jul 11 2006
0 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

So far the game is only about 5% complete. Do not expect much when you log on

Owner: Ikashi
Head Admin: Geno13
Admin: Einaeshin
Admin: Iant1002001
GM: Pika123
GM: Xury

This is my current and ONLY staff. If you ask to be GM you will likely NOT get it and you will be muted. (On another note, I know these are most of my friends from another game, and I may have left a few out, so bare with me, I'm still your friend.)
Special Thanks To:

Einaeshin: Coding

Iant1002001: Banner and Title Screen


And you.