Naruto: New Evolution

by Idoshen
Naruto: New Evolution
Naruto Evolution is back! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 3.4
Date added: Oct 29 2011
Last updated: Apr 23 2013
Last played: Apr 23 2013
499 fans

Waiting List

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Welcome to Naruto New Evolution!

Current Developers:

Chumble93 - (Programmer, Mapper, GFX)
Squigs - (Programmer, Pixel Artist)

Current Staff:



These rules need to be followed in-game, on the HUB, and on the forums. Be sure to use common sense!

+No killing in safe areas.
[][]-30 Min Jail.
[][]-1 Day Ban.
[][]-1 Week Ban.

+No blocking doorways.
[][]-30 Min Jail.
[][]-1 Day Ban.

+No spam killing. {more than 3 kills without provoke within 10minutes}
[][]-1 Day Ban.
[][]-3 Day Ban.
[][]-1 Week Ban

+No spawn killing.
[][]-2 Day Ban.
[][]-4 Day Ban.
[][]-2 Week Ban.

+No disrespectful and profanity in world chat.
[][]-10 Minute Mute.
[][]-30 Minute Mute.
[][]-1 Hour Mute.

+No killing newbies. {Under level 5}
[][]-1 Hour Jail.
[][]-1 Day Ban.
[][]-1 Week Ban.

+No death avoiding.
[][]-20 Min Jail.
[][]-45 Min Jail.
[][]-1 Day Ban.

+Accidental bug abuse.
[][]-No Longer Accidental.

+No bug abuse.
[][]-1 Hour Jail.
[][]-1 Day Ban.
[][]-3 Day Ban.

+No taking an Admins name upon wipe.
[][]-1 Week Ban and account removed.

+No Tai training on puppets.
[][]-1 Hour Jail.
[][]-Tai Nerf and 1 Day Ban.
[][]-Character delete and 3 Day Ban.

+No multikeying.
[][]-Accounts deleted

+No being disrespectful to admins.
[][]-Up to 20min Mute.
[][]-1 Hour Mute.
[][]-1 Day Ban.

+No afk training.
[][]-Stat nerf and 1 Day Ban.
[][]-Stat nerf and 3 Day Ban.
[][]-Character removed and 3 Day Ban.

+No afk training others. {Multi-shadow-clone training others}
[][]-1 Hour active Jail.
[][]-1 Day Ban.
[][]-5 Day Ban.

+No bugging Chuunin Exams.
[][]-1 Hour Jail.
[][]-3 Hour Jail.
[][]-1 Day Ban.

+No pulling out of binds.
[][]-20 Min Jail.
[][]-1 Hour Jail.
[][]-1 Day Ban.

+No Training on Clients or Unkillable clones.
[][]-Stat nerf and 1 Hour Jail.
[][]-Stat nerf and 1 Day Ban.
[][]-Character removed and 1 Day Ban.

+No pushing/pulling through multi-hit jutsus.
[][]-30 Minute Jail.
[][]-1 Hour Jail.
[][]-1-3Day Ban.

*Anything past the 3rd offense is up to the admin dealing the punishment and could result in a permanent ban.
**All Punishments are flexible at admins expense.
***Rules are subject to change without warning.

Any Naruto based characters are property of Namco Bandai, CyberConnect2, TV Tokyo, and other copyright holders of the Naruto Anime, Manga and/or games.

Credits: Crazah, Yutput, LightningNinja91, Reformist, and Sphinxe1; The original development team. We would also like to thank Lavitiz and Viktorian for their hard work as programers and dedication to the game. We would also like to thank Don and Niro for their submitted pixel art to the game.


Imantas2: (Aug 20 2021, 6:38 am)
Hello everyone,

I am gonna start working on a Naruto Evolution based game and revive it within the next week. If anyone is still interested in playing please add me.
Justin20990: (Oct 8 2018, 5:14 pm)
Hey I'm trying to get a version of this game back on its feet Squigs is currently hosting it the games called Naruto: Evolution come play!

- Hubbabubba/Khysarth Justin20990
Avidanimefan: (Sep 1 2018, 5:46 pm)
Tired of the same old games on Byond? Looking for something new and fun to play? Look no further, Kage : Rise is a Naruto inspired anime adventure. Come and see why some of our players are already calling this one of the best games on BYOND.
Carcanox32: (Feb 14 2018, 5:27 pm)
This game dead ? Nevermind im currently recreating the game from scratch because this game has so much bug so dont worry guy a new game is comming out soon !!
BlackOps353: (Sep 28 2015, 3:08 pm)
This game died a longgg time ago :(