These users are fans of Naruto: The Shinobi Dream.

UchihaSlash, RisenAgainst97, Lightlingkid, Kbakuuchiha1109, Starkiller12, Sindeas, Radowx, Shadow313, Qmoney, Narugoichikudou, Kooh, Cdog1019, Jmoney40, Tavius11, Henri215, MisterTom, Thunder Man 00, Finland69, Raiton sage, Teckno2555, Yusei195, Legalrodrigo, Lilbiz, Fred 1234, Kam123, Dark Goku5, Deathphoenix, Kam1235, Malachi covington, Vampire Blade, Kyubikitsune, Soul-Eatr, 0XXLightXX0, Beatle Juice, Addmelol, Wwef, JJsq303, Ganstarunner, Naruto200fox, Mcfillipebbx, Z fighter 10, Mange125, S3kshUn8 HaxX0r, MasterLink11, Duragon11, Naruto7862740294, Dillweed, Swaqqkiinq24, DakerJr, Yort168, Darkdino70, SilverSlice, Zero_tvol, Chazo21, Abdelghany2, MC Beastly, Vageto1000, Daze Of Light, Xfangwave, Leroy1010, Cara365, Chiinglord, Darknezz 21, BlazeZu, Azsd44, HIGKILLER, IchigoKurosaki128, Uzaki Namegoshi, Anjtoadsage, Arthexbr77, Jensen602, Ophilion, Egosnell2, Mf2, Sasuke4225, Mage567, Simonagent, Matheuszanuto, GodBlack, Asumaftw, Goodking, Axe murderer x, Sasuke9631, Blazinfox, Dudikof11, XxDark_Saiyan320Xx, Imjohny1, Kyuubi23, NitroBST, Pokemon28, Christian Coleman Ebling, Corus, Lion2407, Pikachulover, 981014, 123eder123, Lordmegax, Anjos7, Tommyboy111, Lild4589, Cole.krueger, Shadow prisina, Goku509, Malone18, Abc123kg, Thalestw, Modero, Haruglory8942929, Sasukeship, Ex2009, Ziare1, Prowler x500, Bloodpuddle, Kingdavidci, Darksidedoom, Seanandnick, Octysm, Hinata_The_Shy, Espada Num. 2, Dragonalio, Rasengan54, Trininty, TriSin, Zezi, Tamm171, Cody333, Nightmare990, Ryuzik, Dragoi, Shellfisch, Travis2, SilverXFlash, Zombywolf, M-dude414, 39611524, Megadike, Kira4eva1994, QUSHARD, Vegetomasz, THE MASTER AT EVERYTHING, HorusD, Brandon_559, Hitman2796, Chev300, Mitchell3, ShinobiShowdown, Master Fuji, Narutoxxxs, Anton28717Uchiha, Narutodude57, Mirceadece, DarkestKiller1, BARRACUDA-10, RAIN498, Nindowiz, Isaac_alimoore, Twist21491, Hyuga leon, Mo123, Kuba2803, Narkuto, Pach, Sen uchiha, Kyuubi-Rage14, ZzNinjazZ, Jakb2k7, Vegetooo, Rinkashime, Naruto Digi, Kakashi121, Phadumo, IMTHEBADEST, Broking, Saske1993, Marcus22, Carlos13, Cerberus97, Relientk666, Sweet101, Heaven111, Nakaske Uchiha, Naruto-Utchiha, Prosk8tr314, Pof, Keese765, Mauricio159, Davidthao, NICOUZUMAKI, Dadss, Kaitope, Ieuanm, Luki1984, Kyubi986, Saleh29, Brandon T, RazgrizLead, Jiraya290, Dorikuno, Jokerxxace, VinnieRivers, Danny bay 008, Darkwarlok