Dragon Warrior Interactive

by Hork
Dragon Warrior Interactive
Based on the Dragon Warrior series, uses NES graphics from all 4 games, large world with highly interactive quests, dw3 classes, spells/weapons/armor/experience/damage/hp/ect. based on DW3 and DW4. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Apr 12 2005
Last updated: Jan 10 2006
Last played: Aug 14 2016
15 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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Dragon Warrior Interactive version 1 is now officially opened for players. Alot of improvements have been made to the game since last year, the known bugs have been fixed and class changes are in.

Up to 4 player in a party.
Up to 8 monsters in an enemy party.
Class change very simular to that of DW3.
100+ items (weapons, armor, shields, helmets, ect.)
20+ towns, all fully completed.
30+ areas(forests, ghosttowns, dongeons, caves, towers, cemeterys, mines, ect) to explore.
Player guilds, each with their own guild hall.
Fully working, bug free magic and battle system.


Delwarren2: (May 4 2016, 2:34 am)
The better question is: is HORK ever returning?
CauTi0N: (Jan 28 2011, 5:50 am)
Is this ever returning, Hork?