
by Hinashou
Relive nostalgic moments with catchable monsters! [More]
Version 2.84.0
Date added: Feb 11 2016
Last updated: May 19 2024
442 fans

1 Game Live!

Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.

byond:// [

Origins - Official Server

3 Trainers Online!

Version 2.86.3]

Logged in: 3 players [See list]


Relive your most nostalgic moments from a vast region in this upcoming title. Origins is centered around the most
iconic region and our favorite catchable monsters.

A New Twist

Our favorite handheld games go back to the 90's. However, there was always something I felt was missing,
action based multiplayer combat.

By being true to the Origins of our favorite games, this game looks to redefine a classic and bring it into the next
era. Your journey awaits you!

Unique Features

  • Realtime Action-based combat
  • Online multiplayer
  • Dynamic Vegetation, Dynamic Shadows

Each time the world is ran, it dynamically generates shadows and vegetation in real time creating a unique world
each time the server is updated or rebooted.

  • PvP & PvE
  • Player Gym Leaders
  • Full DevOps Process

Code is managed in GitLab and has a dedicated build and deployment pipeline. This took quite a bit of time to set
up, but I feel like it is super important for a seemless update process and a clean development

Hinashou's CI/CD Pipeline for Origins

Pipeline consists of 3 steps:
    Pulls down an image from docker, and installs all necessary dependencies. Then, it runs through the code and ensures there are no compilation errors.
    Deploys the files generated from the build step to my remote game server. The remote game server detects these changes immediately, saves all players currently logged in, and restarts the game world with the updated files. It also sends out a discord message to my discord server with updated change logs.
    This step is also dependent on the build step, but is optional. It is only ran if the game is not currently running on the remote game server. After deploying the files to the remote game server, it will start the<> game world.

    If the game world crashes for any reason on the remote game server, it will automatically restart within 1 minute.

    Fully independent test game server and production game server with independent pipelines, but follow the same steps.

  • Discord Integration

Get current server information, players online, lookup trainers, lookup pokemon, and generate pokemon at a
specific level. Has the same setup as the game server, there is a test bot and a production bot.

  • Online 24/7!

Next Major Feature:

  • Expanded PVP System & Lore


  1. Visit the BYOND download page and download the
    latest version. The software is easy to install and best of all it's free. It allows you to launch

  2. Run the installer after download. After installation is complete, the BYOND program will automatically open.

  3. Create a BYOND account on the BYOND Registration
    . This account is what you will use to log into the BYOND program.

Note that your in-game name can be different from the name of your BYOND key.

  1. After logging in, join by visiting Origins's
    BYOND Page
    and hit Play to launch the game or search Origins in
    your BYOND Program to find us as well.

Make Suggestions, Bug Reports & Issues

Origins is still in active development. The team relies on community feedback and reporting to
further improve the game.

If you encounter any issues or bugs or have a suggestion, please report them on the Origins GitLab Issues Page

Please use the template provided when you go to make a new bug report or suggestion. To see what is currently
proposed, accepted, and in-work, visit the
Origins GitLab Development


Anyone who contributes to the development of Origins and their work is added in the game will receive the in-game
role of Contributor

  • Contributor login message
  • Contributor title in OOC
  • Contributor Discord role
  • Ability to select 2 starters
  • Name included in the Origins
  • +5% EXP gain

The Team

  • Owner/Developer: Hinashou

Recent Medals

Caught 15!

Earned by Mugen00
7:57 pm

Caught 20!

Earned by DE1204
7:44 pm


Hinashou: (May 19 2024, 8:19 pm)
Version 2.84.0 Released!
Bugfix for the hitshake animation, updated DreamDaemon version to latest.
Hinashou: (Sep 11 2021, 1:45 am)
Version 2.81.2 Released!
Fixed an animation loop issue, added additional ball sound effects, money text smaller, and bug fix for incorrect skin tone being applied on load.

Version 2.83.0 Released!
Events will now persist through reboot, and new macros (hot keys) for OOC and Say commands!
Hinashou: (Sep 9 2021, 6:32 am)
Version 2.80.3 Released!
Update your BYOND versions to the latest stable (514.1566). General Performance tweaks, switch to native inputs, and bug fixes!
Hinashou: (Sep 8 2021, 12:19 am)
Version 2.77.4 Released!
New Party Icons, savefile improvements, and bug fixes!
Hinashou: (Sep 5 2021, 9:28 pm)
Version 2.75.3 Released!
Origins Battle Map Generating System reworked (Should have minimal lag impact when starting/stopping battles). Bug fixes for some evolution chains!