Battle of Evermore

by HendrixandCamo
Battle of Evermore
An action rpg; with spells, potions, weapons, armor, hirelings, quest galore and a huge map to explore. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://HendrixandCamo.BattleofEvermore##version=20

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 20
Date added: May 7 2003
Last updated: Dec 2 2016
Last played: Feb 10
370 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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Creator: Hendrix,Skinker(Camo)

Game is going through some heavy construction, thanks for being understandable :P

We'd like to thank those fans who are still believers of BoE and those people know who they are.
*Be advised, we know who you are and we will be sure you get rewarded*

Uploaded a older version so people can download, sorry for the delay!


Deathgawd: (Aug 1 2023, 11:40 pm)
hmm.. the server is back up again
Clipthor: (Jul 1 2023, 6:18 pm)
damn bro, i was lvl 124 with a classless character and out of no where it got deleted... =(
DCrowe23: (Apr 25 2023, 7:07 pm)
you got me to ancients; can you show me to Odin?
MajinCamo1: (Apr 16 2023, 4:19 pm)
DCrowe23 wrote:
Does anyone have a good save file of this game? The only one i can find only has mobs up to reapers, no magic snakes, no ancient ghosts, nothing beyond reapers. I miss this game, want to play but want a more complete version of it. Thanks!

If you really want to go to the Ancients Island I can help.
DCrowe23: (Mar 22 2023, 7:13 pm)
Does anyone have a good save file of this game? The only one i can find only has mobs up to reapers, no magic snakes, no ancient ghosts, nothing beyond reapers. I miss this game, want to play but want a more complete version of it. Thanks!