Mystic Journey

by Gunbuddy13
Mystic Journey
Fight. Explore. Survive. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Aug 2 2009
Last updated: Jun 30 2013
Last played: Jun 9 2015
152 fans

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After a long hiatus from BYOND, I have brought this game back. It's no longer run by me, though I am active in its development still. Hope you enjoy :)


Muffed: (Jun 11 2020, 12:01 pm)
GodlyHell: (Jun 11 2020, 11:49 am)
I can't believe people are still coming back to this game after so long...
Muffed: (Jun 8 2020, 7:49 am)
Hi, will Mystic Journey be hosted again? :)
Savon: (Jun 21 2013, 8:24 pm)
Hey Gun, Im a big fan of Mystic Journey :p
Genesismagician: (Jun 15 2013, 12:52 pm)
Gun, since getting in touch with you seems to be rather impossible, I've gone ahead and done this without talking to you first, but... I have placed two of the original MJ servers back online. I have a 24/7 dedicated shell that I wasn't even using and what better way to use it than to bring back the epicness that you created so long ago...

Mystic Journey Versions 428.33 and 429.01 are online. They can be viewed here.

Just click the "Mystic Journey HUB" link in the navigation bar. If it's online, it'll connect, if not. Tough shit.