Naruto: Dark Power

by Grzesiu
Naruto: Dark Power
We cant have that Game on the HUB as an ONLINE but if you just Click on that IP on the bottom you're gona be connected to Naruto Dasshoku Seiryoku or just Open location in the Byond and type this byond:// [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.1
Date added: Aug 25 2008
Last updated: Aug 23 2013
Last played: Jul 4 2009
18 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Naruto Dark Power is a game based on Naruto Dasshoku Sereiyoku game. We have ONLY host files from NDS, so unfortunately we can not change and add anything, but handful people will creating NEW game, with specific icons and game system similarly like NDS. At this moment we have:

  • Over 20 playable clans,
  • 5 bleach clans e.g Shinigami, Inoue etc. with individually unique techs,
  • 2 clans of other anime like Dragon Ball Z,
  • House system,
  • 4 factions like Akatsuki or Hebi,

Informations for log into game:

Currently serwer is: OFF

Niestety posiadamy tylko pliki typu HOST także nici z dalszej edycji i updatów gry. Jednakże istnieje garstka osób, która potrafi zrobić fajny projekt i tego się narazie trzymamy. Jeżeli umiesz robić cokolwiek typu: robienie ikon, kodowanie albo inne napisz do mnie na GG: 1782179 lub dodaj mnie na MSN: [email protected].

Zapraszamy do gry!


Bartoslaw: (Mar 17 2013, 8:23 pm)
Game is currently On
Itachitrainer: (Apr 26 2011, 5:00 pm)
Loyal follower Akagame/Hell Kaiser here, love this Dass Grz, good job with getting a hub.
Lysy666: (Apr 10 2011, 6:58 am)
miazga ;D