Thogrim (Alpha)

by Gryc_ueusp
Thogrim (Alpha)
A Graphical Furry MU* from Nel-So-Soft inc. (free forever baybee!) [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Gryc_ueusp.ThogrimAlpha##version=77

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 77
Date added: Jan 26 2004
Last updated: Sep 20 2004
4 fans

Waiting List

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Current Version:

Lesse...basically, this is a furry themed MU* much like Furcadia and Furry Muck, except that unlike most furry games, there is either no conflict, or has no system to handle it other than free form roleplaying.
Thogrim is different. In Thogrim if someone for example **chops your head off** you can "kill moron".
Simple as that.
Feel free to download it and edit it and screw with it all ya want, just remember that i will find you if you use my code without citing me.

Some icons in the game may not be legal...umm..if you see icons you made, send me a scanned cease and desist order to [email protected] and I will see to it that the icons will be removed and you will be cited personally for being such a twat. Reason being that first of all, we actually lose money on this public service game and second, chances are that you aren't getting any kickbacks from selling Link to the past cartridges.

If you want to host it as is, you can, but do please send it to the email above at least a week in advance. (If I don't reply, go ahead and host it)
And another thing: for now, you only need to host one copy of Thogrim, but if you change it, please put some code at the main login proc that says something like "Based on thogrim" or something like that.

As always, see the forum for updates and other miscellaneous stuff.