The Mis-Adventures of Light_Samurai

by Grei
Ever wanted to be Arth... err I mean Light_Samurai? Now you are! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 8
Date added: Jun 28 2003
Last updated: Aug 23 2005
Last played: Oct 4 2007
1 fan

Waiting List

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Version 8:
- Intro story added
- The Mall is now accessible
- Neighbor's houses are now able to be visted
- Lots more items in game, about 50 in all
- New mis-adventures

Various on-the-fly changes are being done over the next couple days to get this version finished, progress so far...
-dumpster diving for the fat neighbor's pizza now works
-old lady shouldn't go bugged when players logout while helping her cross the street

- Spam Bombs!
- New mis-adventure added involving the creepy graveyard caretaker
- Europe added to the Internet "hunting" map
- New title screen
- PvP should now work better (players who've been inactive for 5 minutes are omitted from voting)
- First mis-adventure (a.k.a. quest) is now in game, talk to the old lady in front of the 7-Eleven to get started
- Player's char icon now scales to a more reasonable size when outdoors
- The 7-Eleven employee now sells items from last version update

(s = searches the net / a = attacks / g = gets items / t = trades with NPCs)

Take control of a modern day cyberspace epic.

Utilize your unique skills and knowledge to reach your ultimate goals! Once the mini-fridge and new PC become yours nothing will stop you as the supreme power.

Man! Can you please put this up for download? This game is to good to keep away from us! -- Getsuo

Is this like, my own uh hating club? woo, I love it! keep it up please, thanks! :-D oh yeah, and it doesent bother me, I think it's kinda cool! :) -- Light_Samurai

Wtf is this shit?? -- Sharp


The Cheat8: (Sep 19 2024, 7:58 pm)
i had a vague memory of this game and finally remembered who made it/found the hub

good times man