DBZ:NN Classic

by GokuDBZ3128
DBZ:NN is back and better then ever! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Aug 4 2004
Last updated: Aug 5 2004
0 fans

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DBZ:NN is an old game brought back! Incase you are wondering, I have left all of the old things in! But, I also added in some new things and changed around the map! In this game, you can gather the 7 DragonBalls and make any wish you desire. You can even visit any planet you wish, such as Planet Vegeta, Planet Namek, and Planet Earth! Go ahead, explore, find the secrets in this game, it's fun! There are also many quests! Not boring quests like those other cheap games have. Quests that takes awhile to do and when you complete them, you get special items, or whatever the prize is. This game has so much to do i'd get tired writing it! Come on in and join the fun!