Megaman: Battle over the Network

by Gojan
Megaman: Battle over the Network
You can Search over the network, Kill Viruses,Compete in missions and much more, Check inside. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 5
Date added: Mar 2 2007
Last updated: Mar 5 2014
Last played: May 21 2016
554 fans

Waiting List

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Welcome to Megaman: Battle over the network,

Customize your Net Navi.
Make friends, allies, rivals and enemies alike, and embarke on a new adventure filled with plot twists, suprises and awesome battles!

Jack In, MegaMan, Execute!

Owner: Gojan
Co-owner: Blaike Firestorm
Programmer: Blaike Firestorm
Mapper: Blaike Firestorm
Pixel Artist:
Iconner :


01. Use English on world say
02. No spamming
03. No harassment (this includes hunting down newbies and low level people)
04. No racism
05. No over usage of caps
06. Keep swearing to a minimum
07. No advertising (saying "I'm not advertising" beforehand does not save you)
08. No asking for Events (This includes Tournament)
09. Keep it rated PG-13 in all public forms of chat (no links!)
10. No camping in front of safezones
11. No blocking paths.

Failure to follow these rules can result in but is not limited to: Being jailed, being muted, being booted, being banned, having your save deleted.

Respect the Admins (they are there to help you).

Recent Medals

Level +

Earned by Josh1014
Jul 30 2013, 5:08 am

Encounter Saga

Earned by Josh1014
Jul 29 2013, 5:33 pm


Gojan: (Aug 18 2014, 2:04 am)
blanket get off this forum bitch !
Blaike Firestorm: (Aug 17 2014, 1:20 pm)
Grimm_Grimm: (Jul 14 2014, 5:50 am)
sounds cool and promising can't wait to see it ^^
hmm i don't have any msn anymore, lets see if i still got you on skype ... if i still remember my pasword for it XD
Gojan: (Jul 13 2014, 1:41 am)
The host files of this game will never be released to public, neither will the source files.
i'd rather say the truth,
My source files got whiped duo i quit byond, and i am making a new megaman game on c+,
Gojan: (Jul 13 2014, 1:37 am)
mhm, grimm-grimm, got my msn? msg me sometimes(skype)