Dragonball Online

by Gohito2
Dragonball Online
The most advanced DBZ/GT game on Byond is back! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 2.0
Date added: May 17 2008
Last updated: Aug 3 2014
Last played: Jun 26 2020
306 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Remember, this is the NOT the real DBO. This game was given to us a while back to continue. It is being constantly updated and fixed so come check us out! And I repeat, this is not the REAL DBO!



Owner: Gohito2

Coders: Gohito2, Supreme Knight
Icon Artist: Shanks349
Lead Mapper: Gohito2

I'd like to thank Rainer, Vakir, Destroy, and all the other DBO staff for making this game possible. I would like for all of you to play Dragon Ball Online Classic, created by the DBO Team. And be sure to check out DBO2 when it is released. Also, I'd like to thank MajinNick. Without his hard and dedicated work to this game in its earlier stages, I'd be no where. All my thanks go to him as well. (If anyone else from the DBO Team believes they deserve credit as well, please let us know)!

Also, If you have any ideas, suggestions, or etc, be sure to get on the forums and post!

Attention all new players, I would like for you to visit our beginners/training guide on our website and read it before you play. Thanks!


Carlosmasiso19: (Apr 26, 4:07 pm)
Monology: (Feb 16, 5:35 pm)
I've found some host files for this game in here https://archive.org/details/old-byond-host-files
It's the Kanak version, I can't remember if that was an earlier version or not and I can't get them to work. If anyone figures out how to host them please let me know. I'm in my 30s and I'd love a nostalgia trip
MajinNick2: (Jan 29, 4:56 pm)
Hi everyone! I used to work on this game when I was a teen about 20 years ago now and I'm actually surprised BYOND is still here lol. If anyone still has the source code or host files I'm feeling nostalgic. Either way I hope the years have been kind to everyone and maybe we can all play together one day!
Lexion: (Nov 9 2018, 8:26 pm)
Hello everyone!

I know a lot of people miss the game and want it back with updates and everything.

So starting in December, I will be 24/7 hosting the game with constant updates. If you want to learn more info about the game reboot or want to join in on the closed and open beta, join the Discord link down below. I look forward to being able to revive the game and enjoy it with the community!

Metal_Mario33: (Dec 25 2017, 8:59 pm)
To anyone interested, I found a host file of an older version of this game, back when it was called DBO: Henkan Sai. The HUB page was taken down when all the DBZ games were purged from byond but the direct link to it is:


Just copy that into your browser or byond application to connect. I'll try to host it a lot for the next week or two and see if I can get any players to join and have fun reliving the old days. IDK when Gohito will host this game but I'm tired of waiting!