Lands Of Legend

by Godsring
Lands Of Legend
An rpg full of life and wonder ready for you to explore or conquer? [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Godsring.LandsOfLegend##version=0

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version v1.0
Date added: Oct 12 2016
Last updated: Nov 3 2019
Last played: Jan 29
209 fans

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Lands of Legend is a single unit RPG crafting killing conquering kings queens of multiple races. Come enjoy in the fun legally the source is now officially released as well for everyone to have fun tinker and make their own mods.

Alternative hubs will be removed. Stolen content will be DMCAed. Have a nice day and have fun sincerely Godsring.


Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Protection Status


Puckaboo2: (Jun 2 2024, 2:44 pm)
RootAbyss wrote:
I just want to point out for anyone actually wanting to continue the game that the issue has nothing to do with BYOND. There is a flaw in the AI movement code that causes an infinite loop that hangs the server indefinitely.

This issue can be fixed by adding this bit of code:
(just be aware this is a hacky fix to stop the game from hanging and a proper fix should be investigated)
> mob
> var
> tmp
> stepAttempts
> Move(newloc, newdir)
> if(stepAttempts > 3)
> return 0
> try
> ++ stepAttempts
> . = ..()
> catch()
> -- stepAttempts

You should probably upload a pull request to the github or make a fork with your temporary fix so people can freely download the patch.

Edit: I created a dm file called 'Loopfix' with this exact code in place, but the game continued to lock up. Is there a precise place where I need to place it?

Also, for anyone who still cares about this game, there is a discord here. Development for a new server is in the works, but we need a coder.
RootAbyss: (Dec 12 2023, 8:09 pm)
I just want to point out for anyone actually wanting to continue the game that the issue has nothing to do with BYOND. There is a flaw in the AI movement code that causes an infinite loop that hangs the server indefinitely.

This issue can be fixed by adding this bit of code:
(just be aware this is a hacky fix to stop the game from hanging and a proper fix should be investigated)

Move(newloc, newdir)
if(stepAttempts > 3)
return 0
++ stepAttempts
. = ..()
-- stepAttempts
Puckaboo2: (Sep 4 2023, 2:48 pm)
This game is pretty much abandonware at this point; nobody is updating the code to function with the newer versions of BYOND, so it keeps crashing. I've made an attempt to fix the crafting glitches and correct tons of grammatical and spelling errors, but I cannot test them because I cannot keep the server up long enough to test the code. Dream Daemon completely crashes after maybe 10 minutes maximum and 2 minutes minimum.
Meeshdragon: (Aug 22 2020, 10:59 pm)
I was an admin for jonithin, ginseng, and lionsroar, quitting the game only when nerseus and sscrall took over and did their--thing. Thank you so much for publicly calling them out over their toxic behavior, and for not tolerating them on your continuation on LoL, it means a lot to me to see this community's getting better.
Smdytb1: (Oct 19 2016, 2:02 am)
Thank you for the full Clarification, Although. lands of legend is quite the legendary game. I hold no Ill will against it, For I was quite the avid fan back in those days. If you can provide, No. If the community can provide a better and more visualized version of Lands Of Legend, I would be very proud. And maybe I myself will return to playing it, Unfortunately my calling is elsewhere, Cleaning up messes and the such. Becoming a median between groups.