These users are fans of Shaman King Online.

Game Master Ryuu, Lildowwow, Red Emperor, Mugiwara Luffy, Flam3mast3r17, Radowx, Jakjak246, Jaster2, Masterace5, Rayman2, Gargarita, DARKJUSTIN, ImmeasurableHate, Kryven, Deltamancreator, Lamycool, Soma Schicksal, Diyermo, Neoman, Kiba203, Blackreapper94, Mrs.Pepper, Dino111, Utchiha Pisti, Amaterzu, Marcobad12, Yoite, Fires the fire spirit, Zane5494, Blazekan, Namaka12, Blizzard Wolffang, Garranara, Chris172, Marlon1, Goku509, Masterkey210, Adomas11, Dragonburner1, Editza14, Ser159, Roemer999, Tobi1699, Eric Blount, Sasori791, Tameka246, JoP0442, Mihaescu, Asakuraboy, Reito23, Deven5, Khori90, Xmenquake, Killerloop, Knite273, Goku243, Sethx88, Gokudera-san, OmniKage, 123456badboyliviu123456, SN Camilo, Jojomcmc27, Chev300, Djumaro, Cassioleal, SAIBERBLAZE, Goying, Kjjones, Sexymisamisa, Lightning574, Asakura-Fayt, Pach, Yo_222, ElxzeroOnE, Lion2407, Joshking123, Lyntonx3, Eclipse2020, Pwnerthree, Kuba2803, Satomi_Hadaru, Vaizard_mask, Flam3mast3r, Mugen234, Wonx12, Darkreapper69, Wladca1, Dudikof11, Delicronis, Medoune, KOHBSTER, Narkuto, Bashz, Ace007, Airide, Kevin_1029, Smoothkiki, VaizardNL, -Soul.Survivor.Snowman-, Semiya5, Aj63, Rancossack14, ZzNinjazZ, BeastOfBlood, Fabner, Lenses22, Nikorayu, Sessyasha, Skullbones, Naruto296, XII360, Halliru20, Shane Duo, Mistahmarcus, Kyubisora, Mage567, Lukaszek, Ichigo Kurosaki292, Adamuson, Szilajka, Airforce.Abdicrib, Hypervegeta1, Kenji19, Gebsbo, Azurekid, NARUTOSSJ2, Suicidal Noob, Kyuubi Nine Tailed Demon Fox, Armin11223, Ieuanm, Dragon7711, Bjpcxz, Almjhol, Mattone, Blaze1995, DGrayman69, Lostsoul670, Zane The Shadow, King Lucifer, Destroctorx, Sowa12, Gamemaster1216, Saixz, DeadlyAllience, Gagashi, Xwolf16, Jokah, Twiztidlotus21, Uchiha itachi967, Lorddragon874, Mange125, Drew556, Wtyree86, Jesse cyber master, Crasher5, Gomama01, Captshoot, Damien1993, Dracomancer12, Kiklop, Nogbiel, Uhsteve, Jatso, JayjayJR, Megaomega13, Yobi, Carskd, Dark1193, Zeaxx15, Narutofoxy123, Tide77, OGLOCOJOHN, AsmodeusKOD1, Kill3030, Leronx2, Jmoney_b.e.z, Ssjravi, Ner0000, Geor24, Eduardo305, Akin0110, Tomyboytje, Brogoku, Kyubi king, Bbiirr, XxDarkxX, Jjb16, Darkriku1212, Tomiwa, Kenshoro, Legolas4231, Shadowfox1, Blackswitch, Sassuke658, Skubi Polak, Gamerking292, LevelUp, Malucobr21, Dredog543, OrphenHavoc, Joxas50, Dog XX, Chaddy, Killcon, Demonwolfkoga, Darkone25, Adamus1115, Ocnjak20, Andrew33412, Dragon151, Hollowgrimjaw, Yogripper, Social Sucide, MegaMan999, Shorty241, PatsterTH, Light21, YondaimeA, Zeke9989, Rasenganclan, Son Danny, Jiraiya Itachi, Ichigo13781, Devils_Dragon, Goky ss4, Brun0 Uzumak1, Glen9778, Greysnow, Croanix, Panxooo, XshadyX, Mikesnugg, Wingedpin, Parasite49, Ccecce, Leul1995, Raei, Meito15, Miniman445, Child Prodigy, DeltaLeo