
by Gazoot
A unique card game - figure out the rules of the game instead of playing by them! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Gazoot.Eleusis##version=10

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 10
Date added: Aug 20 2004
Last updated: Nov 7 2004
Last played: Feb 9 2013
7 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

There is a rule that tells which cards can be played. Your task is to figure it out. If you think you got it, you get the chance to be a prophet and determine if the other players are correct with their guesses. But be careful, the Creator won't be happy if you turn out to be a false prophet!

Eleusis is a very different and entertaining card game.


Kercos: (Apr 29 2011, 3:00 am)
This is a really cool project! I've implemented an engine to define Eleusis rule, maybe we could incorporate it.

You can have a look here:

I've tried to contact you via email but it didn't go through. Please contact me, when you read this.