Knights and Heroes

by Garthor
Duke it out in a battle between two large armies [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Garthor.KnightsandHeroes##version=0

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Latest Version
Date added: Jun 17 2007
Last updated: Sep 23 2019
Last played: Aug 20 2015
8 fans

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Defeat a horde of mindless enemies with your own army of mindless allies at your back. Victory is achieved when you strike down every last one of their captains.

NORTH and SOUTH to move forward and backwards
WEST and EAST to turn left and right
CENTER to unsheathe your sword
NORTHWEST and NORTHEAST to swing your sword left and right
SOUTHWEST and SOUTHEAST to adjust your shield left and right
Hitting an enemy Knight or Captain with your sword will kill them.
Defeating a player requires you to use your sword knock them into a solid object.