Naruto Shinobi Shadows

by Garruea12
Naruto Shinobi Shadows
Amazing game with alot of spots open. Newcomers get free Genin and Rankers Get capped jounin. GMs are kind and here to support you 100%! ENJOY!!! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version NSS
Date added: Apr 22 2008
Last updated: Jun 4 2008
Last played: Jan 11 2009
13 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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Matrix Text -

Naruto fighting Sasuke
Naruto Shinobi Shadows Staff

Owner's - Garruea12,Haruno02
Co-Owner's -Demonic Eyed Kyo,KEVIN0078.
Admin's -

____________________________________________________________ ______

Game Creators

Coder's - Garruea12,Haruno02
Mapper - Garruea 12,Haruno02
Iconner - Garruea12,Demonic Eye Kyo
Host - Jona
Back up Host - Tatawilson

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Village Kage's

MistKage -
LeafKage -
RockKage -
RainKage -
SnowKage -
SoundKage -
SandKage -
CloudKage -
GrassKage -
WaterfallKage -
StarKage -

____________________________________________________________ ____


Akatsuki Leader :

Sound Organization Leader:

Hebi Leader: Uchiha Sasuke (Garruea12)

Claymore Leader:

Master of the Elements Leader Fire:
Master of the Elements Wind:
Master of the Elements Water:
Master of the Elements Rock:
Master of the Elements Wood:
Master of the Elements Lightning:

AlaAlba Leader:

AlaRuba Leader:

Nightclass Leader:

Dayclass Leader:

Night fall Leader:

Free Hit Counter

Free Counter

Kage reqs:100 kills cap sannin 1e+006 health 1e+006 chakra

coming soon and ill add girl suits k for next update