Seika SE

by Ganing
Seika SE
A game much like Castle, or Gold Guardians. 12 different types of mages, 60 waves, and loads of Original Fun! A Six Man Multiplayer! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Ganing.SeikaSE##version=25

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version Final
Date added: Sep 16 2008
Last updated: Nov 9 2011
Last played: Oct 27 2023
71 fans

[Extras] [Bonus features]

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Seika SE

-12 Different Types Of Mages
-60 Waves (NOT counting SE and X)
-SE and Boss Waves
-Kill System
-6 Man Multiplayer
-Weather System
-Non-Lagged AI System
-3 Different Classes Each With Tons Of Choices
-8 Medals
-Great Skinning And Coding!

NOTE: Seika SE suggests that you play with computers video mode in 1024x768, or else you wont be able to play the game at it's fullest extent. We HIGHLY Suggest you do this.

OK first off, I DO NOT own ANY Seika icons, or the Seika Logo. They are property of Iccusion Entertainment. I have no relationship to Seika besides being a player. Seika is a REALLY good game, please if you like this game, try it as well. ALTHOUGH this was ORIGINALLY Coded.

And yes I HAVE gotten permission from Iccusion Entertainment/Aaiko to use the Seika logo and icons. You can find the agreement here

The Original Seika

Recent Medals

Rank: Newbeh Necromancer

Earned by Cassidyx15
Jan 4 2024, 7:36 pm

Rank: Newbeh Necromancer

Earned by Synysterpiggy
May 31 2021, 5:59 pm


Ganing: (May 1 2013, 5:43 am)
LOL! It's not a rip man. All original coding, and the icons were borrowed with permission from the game owner of back in the day 'Seika', which is now known as 'Teridal'. The game is 5 years old in case you didn't notice... it's not like I made it yesterday. Also those games are called Tower Defense, it is it's own genre. You aren't going to find any more original ideas... since you're bashing the genre... lol.
-Dievas-: (Apr 30 2013, 8:33 pm)
Dude this is rip. I There are gold guardians and other stuff why are you making a rip of their game? Fuck off. We need more original ideas