Halloween Terror: III

by Ganing
Halloween Terror: III
2011 Revision. :) Oh snap. Tower Defense, Halloween themed game! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Aug 29 2011
Last updated: Apr 11 2013
Last played: Oct 10 2011
1 fan

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Ripperman5 totally needs to do this shtuff, cause I don't know jack about the game right now. Plus I'm going to take a shower right now so Ripperman5 is a helper to do all that stuff in the hub while I'm cleaning myself. ;)

Snapshots of updates and features.

Raid: Raid the enemies base and get their candy! >:)
Defend: Defend you candy or it is stolen.
Offensive: Defend and attack to survive to the end using your candy for upgrades.

Recent Medals

Giant Spider Slayer

Earned by Ripper man5
Sep 26 2011, 6:23 pm

Jack O Latern slayer

Earned by Ripper man5
Sep 26 2011, 5:54 pm