Dynasty Warriors: Feudal Wars

by Ganing
Dynasty Warriors: Feudal Wars
The war between the three kingdoms has begun. Wu, Wei, and Shu wage war to see who shall end the chaos and rule the land. With 20+ different Dynasty Warriors characters, 5 non-fictional locations, and intelligent A.I., you can feel the chaos once again! [More]
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Version Published
Date added: Sep 18 2009
Last updated: Aug 1 2010
Last played: Jun 21 2021
231 fans

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"...Completely Original Icons, and Completely Original Coding!"

Earn Moose Points!

Downloadable, and uses Client Side Saving, so you always have your savefile!

- Ganing
- Christhesith

Special Thanks:
- LARNELL12345 - Icons
- Dinomaster45 - GFX - Banner
- Howey
- Killer22
- AsianPixieSin
- Shadowdarke
- Shun Di
- W1ldr3x

Generals In:
Gan Ning
Xu Huang
Zhang Jiao
Lu Bu
Zhuge Liang
Cao Pi
Ma Chao
Zhou Yu
Xiahou Dun
Guan Ping
Sun Ce
Zhao Yun
Wei Yan
Cao Ren
Dian Wei
Ling Tong
Lu Xun
Cao Cao
Liu Bei
Sun Jian

Stages In:
Yellow Turban Rebellion
Hu Lao Gate
Xia Pi
Cheng Du
Guan Du

Currently in the middle of being updated!
What has been done:
-New musous! Ice, Vorpal, Lightning, and Earth.
-Redone Shop System.
-New Weapon Fighting Systems! Throwing Stars
-Total new stage system
-Armies are summoned at the beginning of the each stage.
-Lowered lag at least 4/5ths
-Character protection
-Interface Updates
Systems In:
Level Up System
- Level Up by Killing, each level up gives you 3 stat points, which you use to make your Attack, Defense, Musou, and Health stronger/better. These stats can only be upgraded 75 times, and the maximum level is 100.
Musou System
- Activate your musou, and your screen inverts, and everyone in view who is not apart of your kingdom will take a full hit.
Combat System
- A great combat system that is almost balanced. Using the stats from the original Dynasty Warriors Series, there is never an unfair battle.
Combo System
- Combo system from Dynasty Warriors 6 is in! See how high you can get it before you die!
Blood System
- Just a simple blood system that makes it so every time you attack someone, or are attacked, you see blood. Nothing special.
Death System
- Death! When you die you are spawned back to one of the strongholds your Kingdom owns. After you die, your combos reset.
Hud Chat System
- A Chat system made by Shadowdarke. Well it wasn't originally intended for it, but I bent it into it. Thanks Shadowdarke!
Spam-filter System
- The game is now family friendly =3
Save&Load System
- We have a simple Save&Load system. I think it still has a few kinks, I'll work them out though. (Still working them out =3)
Wu, Wei, Shu, Other
- The three kingdoms are here! And so is Lu Bu! He joins the battle now with his forces. Crazy eh?
- Now we have strongholds! You can take them over, and whatnot. The more your kingdom has the better!
- 20+ Officers are available for you to become, to unlock, and to vanquish!
Inside Castle-Shop-Gold System
- You can now go inside your own Kingdom's castle. You can rest there, buy weapons, and equip them.
- We have ranks now! See what type of general you are with every 2 level ups!

Recent Medals

Xiahou Dun

Earned by Hugna
Mar 20 2024, 5:43 pm

Cao Cao

Earned by Hugna
Mar 20 2024, 5:42 pm


Victorcoelh: (Aug 30 2014, 3:05 pm)
In case you guys want, i can host this 24/7 lagless.
Darkchrispee: (Dec 31 2011, 6:17 pm)
I never play this game I wish I could
Ganing: (Aug 2 2010, 2:31 pm)
ZephyreSyx wrote:
Awesome! =D I really appreciate the new update you did. It makes a lot more sense when you compete for territory one at a time while moving the players along as a whole. There's a lot more balance competition to be had that way and it limits the amount of power the games runs. Though I had run to a bug where your overlay is saved when you load game, but easily solved by loading the character again, though it did prevented musou from used or charged when you get 'zap'ed by it.

Say, I always like to go against all three kingdoms so will there be a possibility when it happen and what conditions? I'm slowly but surely heading towards level 75 up to a hundred.

ps.by the way, you'll be needing some new screenshots for the hub. =]

No problem! I had fun doing it! And maybe I will do something like that... it would be you against the kingdoms... nice suggestion! I love it! Will add it to the possible updates section. I am glad you liked it, and I will post some new screenshots eventually. Right now, I wanna finish the game into a whole new version, but still in need of more suggestions to help me roll along until my brain jogs out what I have in mind!
ZephyreSyx: (Aug 2 2010, 1:52 pm)
Awesome! =D I really appreciate the new update you did. It makes a lot more sense when you compete for territory one at a time while moving the players along as a whole. There's a lot more balance competition to be had that way and it limits the amount of power the games runs. Though I had run to a bug where your overlay is saved when you load game, but easily solved by loading the character again, though it did prevented musou from used or charged when you get 'zap'ed by it.

Say, I always like to go against all three kingdoms so will there be a possibility when it happen and what conditions? I'm slowly but surely heading towards level 75 up to a hundred.

ps.by the way, you'll be needing some new screenshots for the hub. =]
Ganing: (Jul 23 2010, 4:52 pm)
Game is coming back. =) Update will come soon.