The Game Chat

by Gaming Inc.
The Game Chat
All you do here is chat chat chat! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Oct 24 2009
Last updated: Oct 31 2009
Last played: Nov 3 2009
3 fans

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Welcome to The Game Chat Hub

All you do in this game is chat... you can make friends and ect...

Creator(s) : Ace, Zach

Co-Creator(s) : Lilron, Allstar

Admin(s) : Spot Availble,

Enforcer(s) : 2 Spots Availble

Hoster(s) : Gaming Inc. Shell Sever,


The Game Chat V.1.0 will come out in a few days. In V.1.1 we'll try to add a 24/7 or 12/7 music player that goes on. This game will be very fun LIKE if u have a friend on that game .. the next day u realize hes somebody like Teka O_o