Dragonball Z:Legacy Reborn

by Game Killer
Dragonball Z:Legacy Reborn
The Legacy of the world has corrupted, it's up for grab's to any powerful person. Will you rule the world of Dragonball Z, or will you be it's humble defender? Form your own destiny now. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Dec 8 2009
Last updated: Dec 9 2009
0 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

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This is a intended to be a continuation of Dragonball Z:Legacy of Goku, but this game uses the source of Dragonball Z:Saiyan Revenge.

Game Owner:Game Killer

Staff Rules:
Don't be an idiot just because you don't like someone. Result:Ban,Demotion

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, edit yourself. Result:Admin strip, ban

Don't come online and be a jerk just because you're in a bad mood. Take it somewhere else. Result:Demotion, Ban

Respect all players and fellow GM/Admin's.
Player Rules

Respect GM/Admin, and all of the fellow players.

Don't ask to be summoned without a legit reason, admin's are not taxi's, only your helpers.

Don't spam the server, and don't spam kill. Also keep cursing to a minimum, it make's the community look bad.

DON'T use racial slurs, that's offensive to everyone even if they are not that race.

Have fun, we're working on a Forum, so just be patient. I also need help with the staff, so if you want Admin, just talk to me online or add me on pager, or you could add my MSN.
[email protected]