Minato (MagicMoney255)
Ameretsu (Michiganvsohiost)
Naomi (Boubles)
Head Admin
Bbiirr (Bbiirr)
1.No asking for GM (Mute for 10 minutes)
2.No asking for rank change (Mute for 10 minutes)
3.No advertising other games (IPBan)
4.No spamming (IPBan)
5.No attacking academy students (Jail for 15 minutes)
6.No cursing (Jail for 15 minutes & Mute for 2 minutes)
7.No asking for stat change (Unless you ranked otherwise mute for 13 minutes)
8.No Lag Complaining (Mute for 5 minutes)
9.No Bug abusing (Jail for 10 minutes)
10.No AFK Training (Jail for 25 minutes)
GM Rules
1.No Giving out GM(IPBan)
2.No Giving out Boost (Unless the person ranked otherwise IPBan)
3.No Changing Ranks (Lose GM powers & Jail for 20 minutes)
4.No Teleport Killing (Lose GM powers Jail for 25 minutes)
5.No Abusing Announce (Lose GM powers & ban for 1 day)
6.No Banning (Unless you have a good reason otherwise IPBan)
7.No Booting (Unless you have a good reason otherwise Lose GM powers & Jail for 13 minutes)
8.No Taking Other GM powers (Unless they were abusing otherwise IPBan)
Rank Requirements
400k Level
300k Health and Reiatsu
250k Attack and Defence
350k Level
200k Health and Reiatsu
150k Attack and Defence
250k Level
150k Health and Reiatsu
90k Attack and Defence
Pass the shinigami acadamy
Vaizard Leader
430k Level
390k Health and Reiatsu
360k Attack and Defence
Vaizard Co-Leader
390k Level
360k Health and Reiatsu
330k Attack and Defence
360k Level
330k Health and Reiatsu
300k Attack and Defence
Espada Leader
430k Level
390k Health and Reiatsu
360k Attack and Defence
Espada Co-Leader
390k Level
360k Health and Reiatsu
330k Attack and Defence
360k Level
330k Health and Reiatsu
300k Attack and Defence
Bount Leader
430k Level
390k Health and Reiatsu
360k Attack and Defence
Bount Co-Leader
390k Level
360k Health and Reiatsu
330k Attack and Defence
360k Level
330k Health and Reiatsu
300k Attack and Defence
Kido Corps Leader
430k Level
390k Health and Reiatsu
360k Attack and Defence
Kido Corps Co-leader
390k Level
360k Health and Reiatsu
330k Attack and Defence
Kido Corps
360k Level
330k Health and Reiatsu
300k Attack and Defence
Secret Mobile Corps Leader
430k Level
390k Health and Reiatsu
360k Attack and Defence
Secret Mobile Corps Co-leader
390k Level
360k Health and Reiatsu
330k Attack and Defence
Secret Mobile Corps
360k Level
330k Health and Reiatsu
300k Attack and Defence
Quincy Leader
400k Level
300k Health and Reiatsu
250k Attack and Defence
Quincy Co-Leader
390k Level
360k Health and Reiatsu
330k Attack and Defence
300 Level
100 Health and Reiatsu
130 Attack and Defence
Defeat Uryű in battle with no powers.
Noble Family Head Requirements
Royal Family Leader
400k Health, Reiatsu, Attack,and Defence
Shihouin Family Leader
300k all stats
Kuchiki Family Leader
300k all stats
Kasumi-Ooji Family Leader
300k all stats
Noble Family Vassals
Royal Family Vassals
300k all stats
Shihouin Family Vassals
200k all stats
Kuchiki Family Vassals
200k all stats
Kasumi-Ooji Family Vassals
200k all stats

Gotei 13 Captains
1st Division Captain: Ameretsu
2nd Division Captain: Naomi
3rd Division Captain:
4th Division Captain:
5th Division Captain:
6th Division Captain: Near
7th Division Captain:
8th Division Captain:
9th Division Captain:
10th Division Captain: Minato
11th Division Captain:
12th Division Captain:
13th Division Captain:

Gotei 13 Lieutenants
1st Division Lieutenant:
2nd Division Lieutenant:
3rd Division Lieutenant:
4th Division Lieutenant:
5th Division Lieutenant:
6th Division Lieutenant:
7th Division Lieutenant:
8th Division Lieutenant:
9th Division Lieutenant:
10th Division Lieutenant:
11th Division Lieutenant:
12th Division Lieutenant:
13th Division Lieutenant:

Vizard Leader: Natana
Vizard Co-Leader:
Vizard #3:
Vizard #4:
Vizard #5:
Vizard #6:
Vizard #7:
Vizard #8:
Vizard #9:

Espada Leader:
Espada Co-Leader:

Bount Leader:
Bount Co-Leader:

Kido Corps
Kido Corps Leader:
Kido Corps Co-Leader:
Kido Corps:
Kido Corps:
Kido Corps:
Kido Corps:
Kido Corps:
Kido Corps:

Secret Mobile Corps
Secret Mobile Corps Leader:
Secret Mobile Corps Co-Leader:
Secret Mobile Corps:
Secret Mobile Corps:
Secret Mobile Corps:
Secret Mobile Corps:
Secret Mobile Corps:
Secret Mobile Corps:

Quincy Leader:
Quincy Co-Leader:
Family Leaders
Royal Family Leader:
Shihouin Family Leader:
Kuchiki Family Leader:
Kasumi-Ooji Family Leader:
Minato: Coding, Making Hub, Hosting.