RPG Sweeper

by Forum_account
RPG Sweeper
A mix of Minesweeper and an RPG [More]
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Version 3
Date added: Sep 13 2010
Last updated: Dec 14 2010
Last played: Sep 30 2018
96 fans
RPG Sweeper is a combination of Minesweeper and an RPG. Instead of mines there are monsters. You reveal tiles like Minesweeper and use the numbers as clues to figure out where monsters are.

Each monster has a level. The number on a tile shows the sum of the levels of all ajdacent monsters. You can safely defeat a monster that is the same level as you or lower.

The goal of the game is to find the castle. You don't have to clear the entire map to win but it might help.


Click on a tile to expand it.
Use the arrow keys to move.
Press the space bar or 5 on the numpad to toggle the display of monsters.
Press R or 9 on the numpad when standing on a town to restore your health (this can only be done once at each town).

Recent Medals


Earned by BlasphemeOS
Mar 16, 7:17 pm

Where we're Going, we Don't Need Inns

Earned by BlasphemeOS
Mar 16, 7:17 pm


Xarenrath: (Jul 25 2011, 10:21 pm)
Very fun, and somewhat addictive in my opinion.
Tsfreaks: (Jul 16 2011, 10:22 am)
- Keep missing when I level. perhaps some big text or something. i noticed it the first time but it seems like never again.
Tsfreaks: (Jul 16 2011, 8:43 am)
- End game leaves you stuck on You Win page without any obvious option to replay.
- Considerations for the flash client.
- Badge interface that pops up and shows you what you have earned and what is still available.
- Consider adding an Easy, Normal, and Hard option. Unlocking Hard could be an option.
- Hard has high level monsters but it also has missing numbers. Providing a slider to determine the amount of missing numbers a player wants would be interesting if the more they gambled, the more they were awarded in terms of high score.
- Consider random map generation of users choice and provide awards for each.
- Provide high score list.
- Provide medal for reaching castle in under 300, 200, and 100 clicks as example.
- Provide medal for reaching castle without killing n, n, and n number of monsters.
- Consider providing loot anytime you take on a higher than your level monster. They may drop a +1 sword that lets you defeat a 5 when you are a 4 but perhaps only one time.
- Possible Items (most are obvious)
- Potion to recover n health
- Shield protects one time from one attack but does not uncover monster when used.
- One time use Sword +1
- Something like infravision spell for on map or surrounding area.
- Try to incorporate instructions into early game play tutorials instead of having players read all the of them.
- Touching a castle gives you a potion to use instead of having to walk all the way back. Going back is neat but slightly annoying as well.
- Provide an endless mode for high score but increase the difficultly which each generated map.
- Press h for help displayed entire time and/or works the entire time
- Provide a monster key or perhaps display number on hover.
- Provide an in-game menu for things like help, restart, credits, and etc
- No numbers challenge for award
- A large monster comes from behind you and prevents you from going back in sort of a time trial. Reaching the castle saves the land and slays the monster which animates in and dies as part of the victory. I see a dragon which scorches each map or column as it reaches it.
- Multi-Player...
- Same map and players can see each others mobs but that's about it. It becomes a visual and exciting race to the finish.
- Co-op where each player only sees half the numbers so they must work together.
- Possible click fuse over a tile that if clicked within 3 seconds, a +1 is added to the attack. Players need to work together on occasion to defeat the extra high monsters.
Massminer12: (Jul 7 2011, 6:09 pm)
Best Game Evar,but I have a problem.Every time i click the 3 games I get a error, can someonehelp?
Majin Furble: (Jun 9 2011, 6:42 pm)
Great game, and very fun. I intend to play more.