Pixel Movement Demo

by Forum_account
A playable demo created with the Pixel Movement library. [More]
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Version 3
Date added: Feb 28 2012
Last updated: Mar 11 2012
10 fans

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This requires BYOND version 494.1125.

This demo is an example of the kind of environment you can create using the Pixel Movement library.


Use the arrow keys to move, the Z key to jump, and the verbs to set options.


Forum_account: (Feb 29 2012, 4:31 pm)
There's not much to it. All of the movement is handled by the library, there are just a few lines (less than 10) to customize how movement works. Most of the code for this is to create the graphical effects (outlines, shadows, etc.). There are some examples of that in the pixel movement library too (ex: top-down-demo).

I'm not against the idea of making the code available for a more complete demo that shows how to use the library for something more specific. There's still quite a gap between implementing pixel movement and using it in a game. The library is very open ended - you could use the movement for a shooter or a racing game. It would be good to have a demo that provides a more complete and more specific way to use the library that people can build on.

But, since I'm currently using this for a project I'm working on, I have to give myself a head start =)
Bumblemore: (Feb 29 2012, 12:02 pm)
I wish you'd release the source for this for lazy people like me, I wouldn't mind using it as reference.