Solar Conquest

by Foomer
Solar Conquest
A game about taking over the solar system before your enemies do! [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Foomer.SolarConquest##version=964

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Version 0.964
Date added: Mar 10 2008
Last updated: Aug 9 2009
Last played: Jul 17 2023
257 fans

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In the very distant future, the human race has expanded throughout the galaxy. Although humanity once achieved its goal of unification, when mankind became advanced enough to travel freely across the stars, that dream crumbled. The human race came to be divided into a number of factions and a constant struggle for power ensued.

Not long ago an unusually rich star system was discovered, and the resources within this system hold the promise of power to anyone who possesses it. Several empires have sent colonization fleets to stake their claim, but only one can have complete control.

Will it be you?

Please post details on problems or gameplay suggestions at The Forum.


Servodave2k: (Mar 15 2017, 7:47 pm)
Nice job. Fun game. But two problems:
1) Can't pause
2) Game hanged... not completely but most of hte client wouldn't respond. It happened when I was clicked on one of the upgrade sections for a planet.

Resolution is low but probably only problem for bigger resolutions.
Foomer: (May 23 2014, 12:23 pm)
Back then that was full screen for me.

I was also rockin' the 256 ram.
Flamedramon123: (May 17 2014, 11:00 pm)
the game needs full screen its to damn small
Bama: (Mar 22 2013, 7:33 am)
wheres the server :(
El Wookie: (Sep 11 2011, 6:46 am)
I'll just go ahead and leave a 24/7 server up....