The Gauntlet

by Foomer
The Gauntlet
An epic puzzle/exploration game! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Foomer.Gauntlet##version=1

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 0.25
Date added: Aug 4 2007
Last updated: Nov 11 2008
Last played: Mar 26 2014
6 fans
In concept, this is an epic non-combat Metroid/Zelda/Chip's Challenge combination puzzle/exploration game. You explore the world, careful to avoid the many monsters that inhabit it, while searching for items that will let you progress ever further and solving puzzles along the way.


Foomer: (Nov 28 2009, 1:59 am)
Dunno, doesn't happen to me and I just re-downloaded it.
Metamorphman: (Nov 28 2009, 1:34 am)
runtime error: bad output
verb name: Save (/mob/verb/Save)
usr: Metamorphman (/mob)
src: Metamorphman (/mob)
call stack:
Metamorphman (/mob): Save()
the savepoint (/bar/savepoint): Bumped(Metamorphman (/mob))
Metamorphman (/mob): Bump(the savepoint (/bar/savepoint))

Happens right at the beginning when bumping into the floppy disk.