Naruto Rise Of The Fallen

by FonTaicho
Naruto Rise Of The Fallen
"That which has Fallen, Shall only Rise again." [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1.0
Date added: Sep 15 2013
Last updated: Oct 24 2014
Last played: Nov 25 2014
423 fans

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

All new players should click here to go to the rules

In Case you do not want to see my work of art containing the rules....I have been kind enough to type it out. Enjoy!

Player Rules:
1. No AFK Training is Allowed.
2. Do NOT Death Avoid by logging off.
3. Do NOT Avoid the Filter.
4. Do NOT Ask for edits unless you are bugged.
5. Multikeying is NOT Allowed.
6. Be respectful to other players and Admins
7. Do NOT Abuse bugs report them immediately.
8. Do NOT Safe Zone Attack.
Consequences for Rule Violations are:
Warning, Boot, Ban

GM/Admin/Owner Rules:
1. DO NOT Edit yourself or others unless it is a bug fix.
2. Do NOT Disrespect Players.
3. Do NOT Abuse your powers.
4. You Are required to follow All Player Rules as well.
Consequences for Rule Violations are:
Warning, Demotion, Ban

Your Main Staff Heirarchy and Positions:
Main Coder/Owner: Nato
Publisher/Co Owner: Fon
Iconner/Co Owner: Grim
Mapper/Co Owner: Reborn
Host: Cam

There are others not listed but they are just as important I just cannot remember their names.



Ss999goku: (Jun 22 2015, 5:18 pm)
Any idea when the game is going to come back? this game was awesome and still probably is, but how come it's been down for so long?
Naruto 5292: (Nov 19 2014, 3:24 pm)
Y doesnt anyone play this anymore it goes from high rate to low rate of players I been on for hours and barely anyone logged on :/
WenderDzika: (Sep 3 2014, 3:36 am)
when the server will be back??
Vampwolfdion: (Aug 25 2014, 1:37 pm)
when is the game gonna be back up?
TriSin: (Aug 19 2014, 3:19 am)
If the game goes down it will be up around 3:00pm <3