Beware of the WEREDUDE!

by Flame Guardian
Beware of the WEREDUDE!
3v1 PvP Survival Sidescroller [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 0.951
Date added: Oct 24 2016
Last updated: Oct 26 2020
8 fans

Waiting List

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How to play:
* Choose between 4 characters. All with their own unique abilities, perks and cons.

* Once 4 characters enter the game world, the cabin doors open.

* 30 seconds after the game has begun, one player will become the Weredude.

* The players must either capture 3 campfires, kill the Weredude or survive the night to win.

* The Weredude must either destroy 3 campfires or kill all the players to win.

* Items and powerups can be found throughout the map. Items like the jet pack provide great utility while the lantern provides great support.

* AI can be found throughout the map as well. AI drop usable items, food, however some can easily kill you.

--Suburbs Guide--

* This is a 2v1 Map, with 3 unique characters all of which are slightly stronger then their Forest counterparts.

* Instead of Campfires, there are 3 random Civilians placed on the map.

* The Weredude still has 1 night (10 minutes) to eliminate all the players, however now they can also kill 3 Civilian mini-bosses to win a round.

* Survivors must bring specific items to Civilians to "rescue" them. Once 3 are rescued, the Survivors win the game.

* Title Music -
* Select Sound - 351498/
* Stage Music - Yut Put

Recent Medals

Camper Badge

Earned by NSBR
Oct 16 2020, 9:12 pm

Secret Agent

Earned by Flame Guardian
Oct 3 2020, 6:12 pm