
by Falacy
Battle alongside your allies in an effort to defend loot from hordes of monsters! [More]
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Version 16
Date added: Feb 20 2011
Last updated: Dec 21 2018
Last played: May 12 2023
220 fans

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This game is a remake/sequel to Gold Guardians. Setup troops from various RPG styled classes in an effort to defend piles of loot from endless hordes of ever stronger monsters. This time, you directly control a Hero, and can battle alongside your allies. Lead on to victory!

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Superbike32: (Jan 10 2012, 8:06 am)
A few more things...

1.The game is easy with the map editor, you close off the castle with walls, then use archers at the 4 sides with the first upgrade so they can attack over you win because they can't get to your the time you get to flying units which causes problems you could easily have built up your forces so that you can survive...after you survive it, you can survive in-definitely...

---My proposal to this is at least use some type of pathfinding to make sure they don't block off a path to the gold completely(from ground units since flying units can go anywhere) but where it doesn't matter about units, just walls...

2.I got the same bug with the mouse overlay of the soldier being the wrong one, it doesn't always happens & tends to want to happen more after ive built/played some or it's lagging...

3.Even with barely any units on the field the game lags horribly...

4.The main server which says it's hosted by The Planet just lags to hell & back a lot worse than even my own server does locally, the cpu usage spikes incredibly fast & high with only 1 person on, no waves started...

5.When placing units, especially my archers after having upgraded range ALL THE WAY, every last upgrade..the game lags horribly...

6.I have a big screen so being able to stretch the map would be nice...also if I could move the buttons off the map(Map Edit, Spectate, Gold Sharing, Options, Start, Auto Start, Show Grid) that would be nice because I use a monitor with a high resolution & would rather not have my map obscured by the UI above it...

---If it's not already possible since i'm in the middle of a game & can't really test it right now...then there should be an option or when closed it will save where you are in the game to continue until you actually fail, in which case it would start over...

An option that could only be used when Auto Start isn't enabled & no wave is going on...the wave has finished for example...then you should be able to save where you are to pick it up later...

This would be especially helpful for high-score list go-ers who need to reboot(such as to install a program or update) but are going for a high-score.

If theres a game update then maybe they should not be able to start up from where they left off & have to start over(because cheap things like in number 1 above) but barring that this will allow people to keep up on the high-score table when people beat them without waiting for days, leaving the game sitting there playing itself for example if someone only got a few points ahead, with this instead they could continue the game instead & beat them once more.

Added: Like someone said before me, please add hack detection, even simple hack detection like proposed before can be somewhat effective(if wave>time) because a wave can't be less than 1 second long, if theres no enemies maybe but it's a bug if theres not even 1 enemy or the game is gay if you got no enemies a wave...extra points/bonus wave or w/e is fine but a no enemy wave is not, you can give bonus points without a blank round(inbetween rounds) or you can do an actual bonus round(all enemies killed is more points but when you die you don't like, it resets units/gold to how it was before the bonus round started...) not the gold on you from killing, just the gold enemies destroy...

---I know not very effective technically but it at least makes them wait before getting to wave 14000 for can be left on & is no effort but besides real hack detection...there is not much that will be more effective...maybe tweaking to 10/30seconds per round or something but the higher you go the more likely that more people playing at once or someone whos pretty good at the game is simply quickly completing rounds....

-NOTE:Time could probably be found & hacked too but the game could be reset if hacks are detected or closed down entirely del(src) for example...also if enemies per round are set you could throw in detection when a round starts that detects if the amount of enemies killed isn't what it should be...if it's total enemies killed at least & not split up per person in the game.

If it's split then it would need to keep a total count too for use with such checks.

-The less information on how hacks are detected the better the chances it will be effective so I would just say you implemented hack detection & not any of the methods used to detect it.
Ganing: (Oct 12 2011, 8:21 pm)
For some reason when I click different classes, the mouse changes to other classes? Example: I click cleric and a mage pops up on the mouse?
El Wookie: (Oct 12 2011, 2:50 am)
Falacy wrote:
DUN DUN DUN. There's a bigger problem if you create a map with no gold or enemy spawns =P There's an update in the works, but for some reason updates of this game take longer than most. Probably because I find it boring to work on/play.

I believed this was too simple a bug to be an issue, I'M ASHAMED OF YOU D:

Also the ability to alt(Or left or ctrl) click a unit to make it the active buying unit is a feature I'd love to see, I.e I alt-click a cleric and my mouse icon changes to it and I can start buying them without needing to move my mouse (And use EFFORT, huehueh)
Falacy: (Oct 12 2011, 12:57 am)
El Wookie wrote:
1: A fill feature would really be nice, I had my large castle all sorted out when I realised I had to replace all the grass tediously.
Considered it. I may split the map editing tools into 2 tabs. One for general tools, like tile selection and line/fill/rectangle drawing options, and one for the saving/loading/resetting map icons.

2: OCD castle of mine didn't have perfect edges due to the buttons on the map being in the way. I'm unsure of a fix, but it would be nice regardless.
Indeed this is a problem, but I also haven't come up with any intuitive solutions.

3: I'd really love a third grey floor tile as opposed to the blue everywhere. Personal preference I suppose, it's just padding in reality, but it would be nice.
I plan on making it so users can upload their own graphics for the map builder, and subscribers can upload custom troop icons for their armies. Though, a few additional built-in tiles isn't out of the question.

Only one I found, if you zoom out, then click edit mode again, you stay zoomed out.
DUN DUN DUN. There's a bigger problem if you create a map with no gold or enemy spawns =P There's an update in the works, but for some reason updates of this game take longer than most. Probably because I find it boring to work on/play.

A few 'fun' tiles could be cool. Like a tile that prevented placing of units, but allowed players on for more player-orientated combat
El Wookie: (Oct 11 2011, 10:51 pm)
Alright I got a chance to use it, and it really functions great. If I had any, these would be my criticizms:

1: A fill feature would really be nice, I had my large castle all sorted out when I realised I had to replace all the grass tediously.

2: OCD castle of mine didn't have perfect edges due to the buttons on the map being in the way. I'm unsure of a fix, but it would be nice regardless.

3: I'd really love a third grey floor tile as opposed to the blue everywhere. Personal preference I suppose, it's just padding in reality, but it would be nice.


Only one I found, if you zoom out, then click edit mode again, you stay zoomed out.


A few 'fun' tiles could be cool. Like a tile that prevented placing of units, but allowed players on for more player-orientated combat