Star Wars: Clone Corps - In Space!

by F0lak
Fight as a Clone Trooper to save the galaxy from the Seperatists, in space! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://F0lak.ccinspace##version=3

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 1.4
Date added: Mar 12 2012
Last updated: Mar 13 2012
Last played: Jun 7 2024
49 fans

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This is a game which Kaiochao and I did up in a few days time. There are still a few more things we'd like to get done before we leave it to rest.

Game Features
  • Clone ARC Fighters to aid you in your struggle
  • A wing of Vulture droids who aim to destroy the republic and all she stands for
  • Play online with your friends to wipe out the droid fleet


Bumblemore: (Apr 13 2012, 3:39 pm)