
by F0lak
Explore a vast open world full of dangers and wonders [More]

Currently Unavailable

Date added: Mar 26 2006
Last updated: Jun 11 2022
Last played: Dec 16 2023
1213 fans

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Delve into the low-fantasy medieval lands of Hazordhu

Explore a vast open world full of dangers and wonders where every building and every item is player-made, and the online world changes based on your actions. Play locally or online, and join the official community on the website and/or discord.

Begin as a humble nobody, and develop your skills to become whatever you wish to be!

  • - Play offline and explore the world in peaceful solitude, or host your own Community Server for anyone to join!
  • Explore a massive, open world full of unique creatures and dangerous enemies
  • Survive against the growing threats of the wilderness and other players
  • Thrive and grow your base into a flourishing settlement

Live your fantasy life with tools and skills specifically tailored to an immersive roleplay experience

  • Hundreds of unique items and buildings to craft
  • Hunt, gather, build and grow your way from surviving to thriving
  • 9 Distinct skills to develop and grow
  • Community driven development, including the original soundtrack and artwork

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