Guide 'Em

by Exile Productions
Guide 'Em
A (hopefully) addicting single player puzzle game where you help guide some lonely creatures to their goal! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://ExileProductions.GuideEm##version=3

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 0.2
Date added: Dec 29 2005
Last updated: May 8 2006
Last played: Jan 6 2011
0 fans

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Completely ditched all the statpanels, now evetything works on a HUD! Glad to finally have this advancement. I still need to make it pretty, but at least it's functional.

Also had to fix a few bugs that occurred, where I forgot to tell certain procs to run at certain times. Hopefully everything will be working better now!

-Old Update-
There are two playable levels right now, so people can basically understand the core of the game. I have also got the Level Maker up and running, you can find it here.

Guide 'Em is in the beginning phases of production. I've got most of the core done, solid, I hope. I've decided to release it for testing, and hopefully get some input on it. I will also be releasing a Level Maker, so people who enjoy the general idea of the game can contribute by making levels and submitting them to me. If I like them, I'll add them to the game, and give credit to the creator. =)

Hope you enjoy the game!


Fixed a bug where arrows could be placed on Changers, causing the Changer to dissapear when the arrow was picked back up. (Thanks Mecha for pointing that out)