Star Wars Evolution

by Evolution Gaming
An Original Star Wars Game With Many Great Features. [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://EvolutionGaming.StarwarsEvolution##version=24

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version Alpha 1.01.34
Date added: Nov 30 2008
Last updated: Feb 15 2012
Last played: Mar 24 2024
773 fans

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Hey fans, this is Fat Albert speaking. My Star Wars source code was lost and now is being recovered. This game is absolutely great, this game is meant for pvp, and teamwork. There are many planets which you can travel by bumping into the terminals. It has easy quick leveling, You are able to ride super fast speeders or pod racers. Learn a great collection of skills, and fight some of the most vicious creatures in the galaxy. Help me make this game popular again, invite friends. And report bugs, glitches, and possible reasons for lag, and crashing. Thanks guys. And May The Force Be With You.


Doniu: (Nov 1 2015, 5:21 am)
Hello, I host this game 24/7.
Fan Doniu Host:

And me here:

Also, this is hub for Doniu Host: (in alpha test, still not even read, but in future it will lunch)

If you got any questions, want something from me - PM :-}
*If somone would like to adversite my hosting - feel free to do it.
** Owner of this game/program, you have done a good job.
Faabdata: (Dec 19 2014, 4:09 pm)
Hi Kanzokuy,

Was if on my server??? or was it on a single player?
Kanzokuy: (Nov 8 2014, 3:58 am)
dude i entered in a room in dagobah and i am stuck i cant leave the place pls help me anyone
Sky Ikamazu: (Apr 16 2014, 6:45 pm)
hosting a server but does anyone know how to get that orange saber crystal? its bugging the crap out of me not knowing xD
Zamber81: (Jul 14 2013, 7:15 pm)
server down?