We are back. And working on updates. The game will be bigger and better than ever. Expect to see all of you in game.
Buy Bleach Anime
The Awesome Anime Game Bleach Unlimited is back, and updating more frequently than ever.
Owners: Enigma11, ZintharemEmpire, The Magical Jae
Coders: Enigma11, Incity, ZintharemEmpire, The Magical Jae
Icon Artists: Enigma11, ZintharemEmpire.
Map Artists: Enigma11, ZintharemEmpire.
SFX Engineer: Tyson1
A -big- thanks to:
Henitari, Byakuya, Rukia, Batt, and Naru.
1. Don't Spam. Spamming is considered saying the same thing more than twice. Punishments: Warning 1 > Warning 2 > Mute > Boot > Ban
2. Don't Spam Kill. Spam killing is where you kill someone more than twice in ten seconds. Punishments: Warning > Boot > One Week Ban > PermaBan
3. If A Staff Member Is Helping Someone, Do Not Interrupt Them. This means don't kill them or the person they're helping, or spam the OOC trying to get their attention. If they're not answering, wait or ask someone else. Punishments: Warning > Boot
4. Use Common Sense. If it seems like you shouldn't be doing it, don't do it. Punishments: Depends on the crime.
5. Don't EZ Train, AFK Train, Or Train Unattentively. If you are training using any other method than your finger on a key, then it's illegal. Furthermore, if you are training without actually paying attention to the game (IE you have it out of the way completely so you can watch a movie on your computer, etc), it is also illegal. If you are punished and feel it was unfair, come to the forums and you may challenge it. Do NOT, under any circumstances spam up the OOC or flame the Staff about it. This will only result in further punishment. Punishments: Boot with Wipe > One Week Ban with Wipe > PermaBan with Wipe
6. No Mature Things. This means no porn or hentai. At the Staff's discretion, they may also put a limit on mature conversations on the OOC. Punishments: (For Mature Images and Videos) Mute > Boot > PermaBan (For Mature Conversations) Warning > Mute > Boot+Mute > One Week Ban > PermaBan
7. No Excessive Profanity. Don't cuss every other word. Simple as that. Punishments: Warning 1 > Warning 2 > Mute > Boot > 24 Hour Ban > PermaBan
8. No Mute Or Ban Avoiding. There is no such thing as a key mute/ban. Still, don't avoid a mute or a ban. Punishments: (For Mute Avoiding) Warning/Boot > One Week Ban > PermaBan (For Ban Avoiding) PermaBan
9. Don't CAP. If your entire message (or most of it) is in caps, you've violated the rules. Punishments: Warning 1 > Warning 2 > Mute > Boot > 24 Hour Ban > PermaBan
10. Do not Abuse bugs. Let a staff member know so it can get fixed!
11. Don't Ask For Reqs. If requirements are considered "hidden", then do not ask for them. Also, don't tell anyone else reqs. If they are labeled as Hidden on the forum, DONT ASK Punishments: (Asking) Warning 1 > Warning 2 > Mute > Boot (For Telling) Warning > Boot > 24 Hour Ban > PermaBan
12. Do Not Use Full Caps or Any Characters that are not numbers or letters. Punishments: Rename > Forced rename of Admins' choice
13. Don't falsly accuse staff members of abusing their power. Provide proof of abuse. Punishments: Ban
14. Follow Any Additional Rules Set Up By Staff. Punishments: Depends on the crime.
99. Just because it is not hear does not mean a staff member can not tell you to stop. If you do not stop they have right to punish as they see fit.
9001. Don't be a cunt.
GM/Admin rules:
1. Do not abuse. Punishments: Warning > Demotion
I would have gladly given you the source had you asked, after it leaked we kinda stopped caring because obviously the most popular version rip or not was the one that put the most effort into it. Henitari stopped updating ages ago and myself doom989 and Batt took over. I'm Enigma(lost my old Hotmail to this key) you blocked me on fb lol not sure if I said or did something to offend you, not sure I care, but yeah unblock for access to any version of the source I have.