Shaman King: Furyoku Rage

by Enforcer8
Shaman King: Furyoku Rage
An rp game based on the tournament to become Shaman King! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Dec 12 2010
Last updated: Jan 31 2012
Last played: May 15 2011
51 fans

Waiting List

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Shaman King RP game based on the anime. Game is now semi-playable and is being hosted every once in a while for bug tests and such. If you'd like to apply to host, check the forums. There is also a place in the forums to apply to be an Admin and to give ideas for game improvement. Game was coded 'entirely' from a blank environment.

Map will be first to be updated followed by new selectable/playable races.
Shaman King: Furyoku Rage will be updated frequently (If possible) and many new skills and races are to be added soon. Coders are already in the process of updating and improving. Thanks for playing.

A Team-Uprising Productions:
Enforcer8: Game Owner/Coder
Yusuke13: Head of: Coding/Mapping/Programming

(Currently unable to work)
Eponick: Coder (MIA)
Mr.Smallz: Iconer (MIA)


Nanaf: (Aug 14 2012, 12:08 pm)
when is it coming
Red Tornado: (Feb 9 2012, 10:29 am)
Oh thank god!!

Yusuke13: (Feb 6 2012, 6:28 am)
We're still working on it, slowly. Currently looking into pixel artists and i'm redoing the basics of the source code. We'll keep everyone posted.
Red Tornado: (Jan 31 2012, 6:50 am)
... I hate how this never got finished.
Red Tornado: (Aug 18 2011, 6:34 am)